Day 93 was actually a really good day. I was supposed to take the day off work but there's just so much going on at work right now that I ended up working from home. I think that was a nice compromise. I was able to sleep in, make juices as I needed them and use my half-hour lunch to do a quick video of me eating prunes (which I'm glad you all enjoyed hehe!).
The post-prune moments were very uneventful. I mean, I wasn't sure if I'd get cramps, be running for the toilet, etc. Yea. It was just uneventful. I ended up taking cascara sagrada to get things moving down there. I had already taken an intestinal movement formula capsule early that morning to make sure things WOULD be moving... but yea. Nothing. By the time I was ready to go to bed, still nothing had happened. I took another intestinal movement formula capsule...waited a while... still nothing. This worried me but I went to bed nonetheless. (As I'm writing this on day 94, I can tell you now that things finally 'moved' the next morning. Yay!)
The prunes were kinda good :) Mushy... but good. I was able to eat nearly the whole 260 grams. Suddenly, when I only had 3 prunes left to go my body became adamant that it wanted no more.
Like I said in the video... this has been an amazing journey and I think the best part of this journey was juicing alongside all these other amazing people. Juice feasting just wouldn't have been the same without that kinship. I honestly believe I wouldn't have made it 92 days without this public forum...without this constant symbiosis of encouragement. I have SO many people to thank and I don't want to do it in any particular order (and I'm too lazy to do it alphabetically) so in no particular order... here goes :) Queue the academy awards music?
David and Katrina: you have opened my eyes to a whole new world and have gracefully nudged me towards a path to health. I know deep in my soul that you have forever changed my view of life and health and profoundly changed my inner self. Words cannot convey the gratitude I feel when I think of you two. Thank you so much for bringing juice feasting into my life and guiding me along the more tumultuous times. Thank you so much for all the time you have invested in the global juice feast; I love love love watching your videos! It's like I get to sit down with my water+msm everyday with you two and learn more about health. Thank you!! :)
Carrie & B: despite making me salivate all the time lately, whenever I view your blog... I have to say it's been a pleasure juice feasting alongside you. I can honestly say I've felt a strong kinship with those with whom I juice feasted closely with and you guys are part of that group. Thanks for all your advice along the way and your comments. I can't wait to see you guys and have some fun in NYC ASAP! :) Hugs!!! :) Can't wait to make you guys an awesome "thank you" dinner :P
Hanlie: thank you for commenting so often on my blog. I loved getting your comments all the time and they always put a smile on my face. It's really been great being on this journey with you and sharing the ups and downs of juice feasting. I'll never forget that poignant post for which I awarded you the juice feaster award. I am so proud of you for the commitment you've made for your health and your baby, who is waiting for the right moment to bless you with his/her presence. :)
Michelle: It's been great juicing through the ups and downs with you. I distinctly remember a point where we both were about to throw in the towel at the same time. It was great to know that I wasn't the only one feeling it. I'm really glad we both stuck it through! You're almost done too!! Isn't it crazy how fast this has gone? :) Hugs! Really appreciate all your comments throughout this. Thanks!
Poppy: My juicy sister! :) I loved how we were just a few days apart on this journey. Your blog continues to be an endless source of inspiration. Your writing is incredibly eloquent. I am thrilled to hear of all the positive things that are happening to you right now and am glad you've continued to blog. I definitely want to hear more about your raw-foodie adventures. :) Bisous!
Philip: You're almost there too! :) Thanks for all the great insightful comments and inspiring me to go to bed earlier (well... or trying to) and give up TV during weekdays. You're definitely and inspirational guy and I can't wait to see how your quest for health continues to unfold. What you've done so far is truly amazing! Can't wait to see you when I get to NYC later this Spring!
Kyle: I'll never forget that poop-post! I learned more about poop in one blog post than I knew all my life! Thanks for that :P hehe! Thanks also for all the great comments and the juicy camaraderie! It was awesome to juice feast alongside you :) Can't wait to hang out at Pure Food and Wine with you too :P *giggles*! :)
Kristi: You're another amazingly eloquent blogger that I am truly grateful to have crossed paths with. Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational journey with such insightful details. Definitely proud to have juiced through the cold climate with you! :) Thanks for all the great comments. I hope your computer lets you watch the video eventually; had a lot of fun making it. We'll have to swap raw-recipes soon :) Prunes tasted even better on day 94! :P
Mish: It's been especially nice to feast with someone who was going through the same issues I have. You're one positive ray of sunshine and I can't thank you enough for all that great advice when I was having that rough time with my mom. I also haven't had a chance to formally thank you yet for your amazing gift. I've been going through it and it's freakin' amazing! Thank you so much for sending that to me! I owe you one! :) That was really thoughtful. I know you're out in the middle of an ocean somewhere right now but... when you get to read this... Thanks and lots of love from Ben!!! :)
Malynda: Luuuuv ya! :) *giggles* Nope... Wasn't going to pass out... If I've learned anything throughout this juice feast it's to CHEW!!! I used to be a freakin' hoover and suck down food so fast. I'm not going to do that anymore! :) Aaanyway :) Thanks for making me giggle throughout this and encouraging me through the juice feast. It's really been great making a cool friend like you! :)
Lisa from NZ: Thank you so much for that great advice when that mysterious neck thing came about! Thank you for all the great comments along the way; juice feasting with a buddy like you has been great. To reply to your comment: I totally think, in retrospect, after having watched this video 20 times, that I was indeed high off prunes. It's still really weird to think that foreigners think I have an 'accent' :P But... as long as it's a pleasant sounding accent that's fine by me :P I dated a kiwi once and I liked his accent so hopefully the feeling was mutual... hmmm :P hehehe. Those were indeed some SCARY prunes; they were soaked which is why I think they looked so scary. Juicy on!
Nettle: My fellow Ottawan juice feaster; sorry we never made that juice-luck happen. Thanks for all the great Ottawa-advice. It was really great to juice feast with someone who knew the city, share tips and all. I definitely hope we get to meet soon. We'll have to go to the wild oat for a nice raw lunch sometime! :)
Lisa from TX: Thank you so much for your frequent visits and great comments..... and today's shout out! :) I feel so special!!! *loved* :) Loved the poem by the way... I feel so bad that I've been so swamped and haven't had a chance to thank you for that; super cute and super sweet! :)
Jessica: Where is my Jessica? Sniff sniff. I miss youuuu! Even if you seem to have disappeared, I couldn't do this thank you without thanking you because you ALWAYS brought a smile to my face throughout this juice feast. Your videos inspired me to juice feast alllllll the way back in October. You're a juicy superstar in my world; anyone who can juice feast with a baby, people cooking food around them and crazy-ass storms is a juicy hero in my books! :)
Penni: You're halfway done! That's awesome! Thank you so much for your frequent comments; I read them all and feel really bad that I haven't had a chance to visit everyone else's blogs lately. Totally love Trotter and Klein and will definitely have to post pictures of anything I make out of that cookbook. :) Big hugs!!! :) Still in awe of how radiant you look right now! :)
Loulou: Sorry again; been super swamped lately and have really been bad at keeping up with everyone's juicy journey. I really appreciate all the great uplifting comments (even if you thought you were trying to be my mom hahaha!) :) Hang in there... the last half of the juice feast goes by really quick! :) Just think of it in terms of weeks... you'll be amazed how quickly the countdown goes!
Jack & Jill: You guys seem to have disappeared but thanks for the award and the great comments and thank you for giving me the idea of fast tuesdays :) I think I need a break from juice for the next little but but I definitely will be stealing this idea from you soon :)
SUKI!!: Thank you so much for your advice :) Really appreciate it and yea... we totally need to hang out next time I'm in London. You'll have to show me where to get some yummy raw foods seeing as my favorite M&S Edamame salad is now off the list! :P
There are COUNTLESS other people who have touched my heart on this journey and my thanks goes out to you as well. I thank everyone who has left comments on this blog and encouraged me and cheered me up on the more challenging days. There are so many of you that are on this journey and I wish you all the best of luck. Thank you so much to
Lynda, Terilynn, Ramona, bad mamajama (you can send all your cute gay friends my way!! no problem!!)... I hope I'm not forgetting anyone... everyone has been so amazing :)
Anyway.... this took hours to write so I better post it. I just really want to apologize to everyone though because I have been REALLY busy lately and haven't had a chance to keep up with everyone's blogs and ... yea.... I'll try to catch up soon enough. :) Hugs for everyone! :)
Shit I almost forgot:
Today I had:
1 Intestinal Movement cap
1.25L water+lemon+MSM
250ml soak water
230g PRUNES!
3L apple/kiwi
1 cascara sagrada cap
1 intestinal movement cap
Today I also did:
3Km bike ride (to the grocery store and back...with 30lbs of groceries in my backpack)
Skin brushing
- Ben