Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 89 - My cookbooks are here!

Yesiree Bob! My cookbooks have arrived. Unfortunately, I didn't have a cute delivery guy as pictured above. I got home to a door hanger advising me I had to go pick up my package at the post office. That's a 30lbs box and I have no car! Solution? Bring the box home Africa-style. I balanced that box on top of my head and made my way home. Honestly, it's the easiest way to carry boxes if you have a good sense of balance. It didn't even feel like I was carrying anything at all!

The pile of books is currently precariously balanced on my night-table and I'm in bed. I plan to stay here (in bed) all day tomorrow and flip through all these books. Yay!

Did I mention that... it's midnight right now and I'm not at work? Urgh... It's going to be so nice to have a weekend off and give my body a break from changing its internal clock.

Anyway... I thought I would have some fun tonight before going to bed so I'm stealing Hanlie's little Friday fun thing: The bucket list. It's a bit corny but here's my top 10 things to do before I croak.

1. Visit Easter Island

2. Make my way through a hedge maze (a really big one!)

3. Go eat at Pure Food and Wine (soon!!)

4. Live in Berlin for a year or two

5. Live in Costa Rica (again... but for longer)

6. Get married (hey! It's legal in Canada, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands!)

7. Have flawless skin (soon too!)

8. Study at the Hippocrates Institute and the Living Light Culinary Institute

9. Write my own cookbook (soon!)

10. Eat some PESTO!!!! (hahahaha! Soon too... in a week!)

Well that was fun :)

Now onto business. Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.25L celery/kale/parsley/dandelion (whoa! too much parsley today!)
2L grape/blood orange/strawberry/acai
3L watermelon
1.75 pineapple/pomegranate/strawberry/blood orange (possibly the tastiest juice yet!)
2 Tbsp bee pollen

Today I did:

Skin brushing
6.5km biking (in the rain!)
1.6km walk

Lots 'o love

- Ben


Hanlie said...

A billion Africans can't be wrong!

Have fun in bed today! When I was single, I lived in my bed... Everything was within easy reach and I could read, watch TV and drift off to sleep at will.

Unknown said...

I love the image of you balancing that box on your head. I walk to the post office most of the time and found myself in simillar situation :)

I will buy your cookbook. E-books are really simple and eco way to get the food out there..

Bad mamajama said...

Hi Ben! Congratulations on finishing your 92 days juice feasting !
I have been following your blog sometime, and I really do enjoy your blog.
I am Japanese woman who lives in Costa Rica. I also have skin problem so started juice feasting here, but had to stop on day 20 because I saw some negative effects on not using some organic produce stuff. Where I live, (Guanacaste) it's impossible to find organic products (I can find a few products in Liberia but very limited products and unreliable too).

Well, good luck on after juice feasting progress!