Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 90 - Bedroom Bliss

It's day 90 and juice feasting truly is coming to a close. As most of you know, this has been my second weekend off since August of last year. I decided today would be a mandatory "stay in bed all day" day. Pure utter bliss!

I made juice, went back to bed and only got up to get mason jars out of the fridge and to go pee! :P I flipped through all those cookbooks I got and somehow didn't get madly hungry. My favorite cookbook by far is "Raw" by Charlie Trotter. I cannot believe how beautiful this cookbook is. I have to admit... the recipes are daunting and this is definitely not your 'tuesday dinner' type of cookbook. It's beyond five star 'cooking' in my opinion. But that's the kinda thing I like ;) Beautiful. I think this cookbook will live on my coffee table. :)

My second favorite so far is Ani's cookbook mainly because there are tons of recipes without nightshades. I find so many raw recipes have tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes and peppers as main ingredients. It makes it really hard when you're trying to avoid those ingredients.

Totally happy with my purchases. Holy shit though... "Conscious eating" is the size of a bible! (actually... I think bigger than a bible!).

I watched "Crazy Sexy Cancer" today and it was really inspiring. :)

I think maybe something I'll need to do when I start eating again is plan out all my meals a week ahead of time. I need to make a little calendar and write out everything I'm going to eat. I think this will help me stay on track with an alkaline diet and also ensure I don't waste any produce. I'm kind of "getting" what people who have stopped juice feasting are talking about when they mention how they find it overwhelming and confusing choosing what to eat. I think the 'calendar' will help with that :)

....Did I mention how awesome it was to stay in bed all day? :)

Today I had:

1.25L water+lemon+msm
1.25L celery/kale/spinach/dandelion+E3live+Hsalt+kelp
2.5L watermelon juice
3L apple/kiwi
2Tbsp bee pollen

Today I did:

MSM lotion
Stay in bed all day
Inspirational DVD
(I really need to start exercising again! Le sigh!)

Okay... totally random but... I just got the SWEETEST comment on facebook from my friend and former colleague (from my old flight attendant days) Robyn:

So Mister Ben, I have been reading up on what you have been accomplishing and have been reading your blog and I have to say that I am very impressed. But I guess I always knew that when you said you were going to do something you did and you did it well. CONGRATS!

Robyn... you're so SWEET! :) *hugs* It's still very weird for me to think that my 'real life' friends are reading this blog sometimes. Maybe that's because I talk about enemas so much on here ;) Hahaha. Whatever... in the flight attendant world, we ended up talking about our insides lots... stupid cabin pressure made us bloat like 3 month pregnant women! :P

That's all for today! :)

- Ben


Hanlie said...

I can't believe it's almost over for you! Michelle and I were chatting on Skype the other day and I told her that I don't think I'm ready to go back to solids yet... I can't believe how the time has flown!

I'm glad you're spending the day at Club Duvet! We've also been taking it very easy!

Penni said...

Don't you just love, RAW by Trotter and Klein?? IT is one of my most favorite. Talk about about food porn! I am obsessed with raw books and I am sort of the same way about Raw Food Real World. Sarma is such a little tart.

I am blown away that you'll be celebrating Day 92 made it friend...amazing!! I'm only 48 days behind you. LOL.

All the best and I am going to be staying tuned!


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Sweet Juicy Ben
You're near the end.
Congrats to you
You're on the mend.

30 more days I've got to go,
Feasting without you
is gonna blow.

Pixy Lisa