Friday, February 8, 2008

Day 26 - Juicing through a busy lifestyle

Let's face it! Some of us have very busy lives, and I'm no exception. This week, especially, has been incredibly busy. I don't believe I've mentioned it before, but I work in marketing for the federal government and as such, I am in charge of outreach activities for my department. This week, I've had 2 days 'off site' where I've hosted a kiosk at a hotel at the other end of the city. I also had another day where I've had to go set up a banner in Quebec, and make my way back to work...only to later go back to tear it down and then make my way to an internal conference at another location. Today I worked at my office in the AM and later went to 'the other side' (Hull, Quebec) to gather data on how our department's call centre works.

That's 5 work locations in 5 days. Some days, I had to be there for 7am!

How does one handle these situations? Here's Ben's top 5 tips to busy feasting!

5) Plan ahead. It's cliche, I know... but if you know you have a long day ahead, don't forget to bring extra juice! Especially if you're in a remote area with no juice bar in sight. You don't want to have to resort to pasteurized stuff! If you know you're not a morning person (juice feasting will solve that, eventually!) make your juices the night before. I've often woken up at 4am to make juices! You can do it! :)

4) Go hunting...for fridges! Okay, so you're not in your usual safe haven that is your office... that doesn't mean there isn't a fridge somewhere! Most office have fridges in a hidden corner; ask around! Put those mason jars back into a cool area so that they don't spoil.

3) Pack some ice packs! I'm lucky in that department; I inherit, from my uncle, all the ice packs used to transport medical supplies. To prevent cross-contamination, they don't use them twice. It's a waste because, they're perfectly safe to reuse and they stay cold for 24 hours. That being said, if you don't have an uncle in a medical field, go to your local department store and stock up on ice packs! Make sure you always have some handy for days where you might be traveling a lot. They'll keep your juices icy cold!

2) Coconut water to go; It's the easiest and fastest juice to make. I rely heavily on coconut water for mornings where I'm late or just really slow. Pop two of those open and boom! You've got almost 1L of 'juice'! Add some E3live to it to make it even more nourishing!

1) Don't underestimate the power of the rollie. As a former flight attendant, I can tell you that rollies are incredibly useful things. You can easily pack 4 mason jars full of juice into them, a few ice packs and a few towels (to avoid clinking noises and to 'insulate' the rollie). It makes carrying 4L+ of juice a breeze! Much better than subluxating your spine from carrying them around in a shoulderbag or briefcase. Don't forget the flight attendant walk!

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Very quick other random news; I got a call today about an interview with another department in the federal government. It's a job with less responsibilities but it would be DIRECTLY through the government. Right now, I work through an agency... it's a lot like being pimped; the government pays the agency, the agency takes a cut and pays me. If I get this job, I'll be making much more money, have benefits and will be doing less work. This also means, I'll be able to quit my weekend job! So... send lots of happy Buddha energy my way, please! :)

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Back to juicing! Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.00L celery+collard greens+cilantro+E3live+kelp
1Tbsp bee pollen+agave
1.25L Pineapple juice
1.00L Butternut/orange/pear/date/cinnamon juice! (even tastier with 2 oranges!)
1.25L Coconut water+E3Live
1.00L Apple/Kale

Today I also did:
Skin brushing
45 min evening yoga

5.5L of juice again! I'm totally rocking! Well...except for forgetting to take my fats! eep! I still have no idea if my hemp oil is still good (see yesterday's post). Any ideas?

- Ben


Michelle said...

Hey Ben,
Thanks for the busy life tips. I am about to enter the spring sports season and with 5 boys playing sports I will get pretty busy.

I especially like the rollie tip. I would have never thought of that. Thanks so much.

David and Katrina Rainoshek said...

Hi Ben,

Hemp Oil on the counter!!!??? Oh NO!!! But don't worry, the answer is Oh YES!!! You can still use it.

It will still be fine.

Where you get into trouble with oils is leaving them out all the time in clear bottles, and you are not doing this.


Love David and Katrina

Anonymous said...

hey ben
i'm from ottawa too. i love the blog and also totally understand about working for the government through an agency. i'm going to start juice feasting with the global juice feast crowd. can't wait!
keep it up!!!

Anonymous said...

also... where do you get your produce in ottawa? i am a student now so buying organic everything seems to be impossible! any suggestions?

Ben Kaelan said...

Hey Ramona, hope you check back here for your answer.

I'm buying organic everything. I have a bit of a system... but bear in mind, I'm spending about 160-180$/week on produce. I usually start out with Loblaws on McArthur because I live just east of downtown and they have a lot of cheap organic produce there. The problem is, they don't carry everything and you never know what they will or will not have.

Afterwards I make my way to the herb and spice on Bank/Gilmore (I think it's Gilmore...around there). They have TONS of organic produce... but it can be expensive. Collard greens are usually cheap 2$/pack, Celery is 3$/pack, Kale will run between 2$ to 3$, Spinach 4$, pineapples 4$ to 6$...

For coconuts, I go to chinatown. Young coconuts are 1.99$/each which is standard across chinatown. I usually get a box of 9 plus another one to make it 10.

I highly suggest going organic for certain things like celery and leafy greens and berries. Melons and pineapples can be done non-organic without much trouble (from what I've read). Supermarkets are your best bet in that case. I find Loblaws always has good quality produce.

I also hear there's an organic farmer's market in the south end (near heron I think) inside a School? It's really far for me but it might be worth checking out. If you do, let me know how it goes! :)

- Ben

Carrie Cegelis said...

Hi Ben,
I don't know of Chanca Piedra as a Chinese herb in the Materia Medica I learned from, but I believe it is an Ayurvedic herb that goes by the names bahupatra or bhuiamla. So maybe try an Ayurvedic herbalist?
I had a hard time finding it in stores, so I just ordered it online.

Yes, it's all about the ice packs....they make a world of difference for those 6pm juices!!


Anonymous said...

thanks for your answer ben!
it's so exciting to know that somebody is juice feasting in ottawa!
good luck on your date! what are you going to do? i guess not dinner...
have fun
i'm sending good energy your way!

Anonymous said...

oh one more thing... i found out that herb and spice does a 10% student discount on sundays... just FYI... i don't think that you are a student anymore but if you are gonna make a huge purchase it might not hurt to bring a student with you that day!