Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 41 - Bouncy!

Yep! This kid is the newest juice feaster to own a rebounder. There's a store in the city's west end selling Needaks for really cheap; 199$ for a non-folding model, 229$ for a folding model. Needless to say, in a small apartment, the folding option comes in handy....especially with my minimalist penchant for interior design. This thing even has a carrying case and slides right under my designer couch! :) Whooo hoo! I looooooves it! I looooooves it! :)

Today was not-so mega grocery day; we've decided to move mega grocery day to Thursday evenings. Maybe this will be better; I know a few stores get some produce in on that day. I couldn't find organic pineapples anywhere in this city today (well rainbow foods had organic pineapples the size of my fist for sale... hardly worth the price!). Organic greens were dirt cheap at Herb & Spice this week! Spinach bunches were going for 2$! :) Mmmmm... spinach! :) Black kale (which normally goes for $3.99) was going for $2.49!

I didn't drink much juice today because of the overnight thing/napping during the day. I was supposed to get in 4L but I slept through my alarm. I had to choose between taking a shower and making juice... shower won! I'd rather be starving than stinky! :P I'm a bit nervous about how tonight is going to go... hopefully if I drink a lot of water I won't feel hungry (and if I abstain from looking at raw cooking blogs lol). In case you're wondering, I also missed my daily water/msm combo for the FIRST TIME since I began JFing... I know! It's very sad... I just couldn't be bothered this morning when I got home from the hotel; I was sooooo hungry!

Today I had:

500ml water+slippery elm
1L celery/kale+kelp
1.25L granny smith apple/kiwi
1.00L cantaloupe juice+hemp oil (shot glass + chaser LOL)
1L cat's claw tea and/or American saffron tea (throughout the night, I hope)
1Tbsp bee pollen+agave
6 probiotic caps

Today I also did:

30 minutes on the rebounder
(was running late, no time for skin brushing or anything!)

I was on today and I realized how much we're all so blessed to have this innate kinship with other juice feasters throughout this process. I think, without the company and support of fellow juice feasters in the blogging world or the website, this would be quite a solitary journey. I don't feel alone at all in this, and it's all because of you guys. So thanks a lot :) If I had a mason jar of green juice with me right now, I'd raise it and toast to you guys ! :) Big hugs! :)

This reminds me, if you haven't joined yet, get your juicy butt in gear and do it now! :)

- Ben


B said...

Here's to that juicy ben. Yay for the juice feasting buddies! I also find the love and support here invaluable, though I tend to hang out on the sidelines, out of the fray. I raise my lemon water with MSM to you.

And congrats on the rebounder--sounds like quite a piece of equipment.

xx raw b

David and Katrina Rainoshek said...

Hi Ben!!

We just got a new rebounder too!! I love it so much that I spent a whole hour on it yesterday, and so now my whole body is popping up with sore little muscles I didn't remember were there. Kiss kiss to the bounce!!

I am really looking forward to juicing with you Mr. Ottawa!

Love Katrina

NifteThrifte said...

I have got to-got to-got to get a rebounder! Sending you juicy love!