Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 48 - Happy Feet!

I spent pretty much all day on today. This is my new crack-like addiction. I love that place. Don't worry; I'm still a denizen of :)

I'm in bed right now, on the end of day 48 and I'm quite content. I got in all the juices that I wanted and I had a really great day. I ran some quick errands today; I noticed that I would be out of MSM by tomorrow and also lemons! I went to the health food store to pick up some lemons and also stopped by a natural health products store to pick up some MSM powder (killer deal! 300g, 20$!). I decided I wanted to get some acupeds! I used to get these (well another version, same idea) in Vancouver's chinatown when I was a flight attendant. Acupeds are GREAT quality though and made with all natural ingredients; I'm not sure about the ones I used to buy seeing as all the ingredients were written in mandarin.
Now, I seem to have created quite a hubbub about acupeds on so let me tell you all about them now. They're basically these white pads right? You stick them onto your feet (or other areas of the body....but more on this later) when you're ready to go to bed. When you wake up, you discover that they've turned this icky brown colour. They basically draw out toxins from the body. When you sleep, the body stores the toxins as far away from the heart as it can; in your feet! Perfect time to draw those toxins out!

The feet are known as the 'second heart' in Chinese medicine. All the organs of the body are mapped out on the feet. Tonight, I'm going to use the acupeds to draw toxins out of my liver; I'm placing one on the right foot (just below the little toe...covering the upper left-hand corner of my right foot) and another acuped pad on my right side (just above my hip). This combo should help draw out bad stuff from my liver.

The acuped pads come with instructions on how to place the pads based on your detox-desires ... don't worry; I'm not coming up with this information out of a Jungian collective knowledge bank! :)

In other news; I have a 10AM Ionic foot bath booked for next Saturday; same idea! The ionic water draws out toxins of the feet through reverse osmosis. The water goes from clear to black! Yuck!!! I've never tried it before but I can't wait to see what happens! :)

Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
750ml celery/cilantro/black kale+E3live+kelp+Himalayan salt+chanca piedra
1.25L grape/apple/strawberry!! MMMM
500ml water+chanca piedra
1.5L watermelon juice
1L cucumber/spinach (nasty! not doing this one again!)
500ml water+chanca piedra
1 tbsp bee pollen+honey
1 tbsp honey

Today I also did:

Lots of R&R
30 minutes on the rebounder (alternating bouncing with crunches)

In other news, my mom is driving me nuts about my vegan lifestyle and everything in between again. Poppy is also having the same kind of issue with her family. It must be global "annoy your veggie children" day. I posted about this on and I won't be getting into this topic much further. Luckily I got TONS of great advice. We'll see how things go from here.

Another quick poop report.... I had another "green water" incident this afternoon. I have no idea why I'm having 'green water' BMs. I figure it's either the watermelon juice acting as 'draino'.... the chanca piedra or the hemp seed oil that I've taken 'shot style'. I hope I figure this out soon because it worries me that my morning green juice seems to just me running right through me without any digestion.....

Oh! Now that my poop report is done.... WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW JUICE FEASTERS OUT THERE!!! :) I'm so happy to be juicing it up with you. I hope your day "1" was really great!!! :)

- Ben


Carrie Cegelis said...

Hey Ben,
Your chill day in bed sounded absolutely divine - I'm jealous... How did the acuped treatment go? Did you get some funky awesome detox yucks out? Congrats on making it through the halfway point....all downhill from here! Your posts are fantastic, as usual. Sending love your way - don't sweat the parental stress, it'll pass soon enough. Just keep on juicing like a maniac!!
xx Carrie

Hanlie said...

Wow, what an informative post! I've seen these acupeds before, and must really try them! How interesting...

I've tried to find bee pollen and breakstone tea locally, but no such luck! I have a few other places I can try, but it basically looks as if I'll have to do without them... Oh well, superfoods are just additions, they're not essential to the success of a juice feast. I have a really good green barleygrass powdered juice (with added kelp)that I use daily, a wonderful intestinal formula and my parasite cleansing tabs have arrived, even though I won't need them for a while yet. (I do an annual parasite cleanse...). Of course I take flax oil and MSM. So I think I'll be ok!

Have a wonderful, lazy Sunday!

NifteThrifte said...

Oh good golly, Ben you happen to find the most interesting things imaginable!

I've got to get my some acupeds, I'm one of those people who likes to see the ick!

I'm folowing your lazy Sunday up with my lazy monday in which I will make avideo or something else juice-feast oriented.

As always, you're awesome.

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NifteThrifte said...

OhhOhhh Ohhh! Ben, I LOVE kiss my face stuffage! I have their whenever shampoo and conditioner and patchouli body wash. I'm using Dr. Bronners to clean right now but I love it! More and more things we have in common :o)

And what's wrong with nightshades? Esp. tomatoes... figures, I just picked some up at the store to make a V8 type of juice.