Monday, March 24, 2008

Day 71 - Juice-a-palooza!

Days off are bliss. I really would like to take some more time off soon. I don’t think that will be possible though….unless I call in sick at the hotel which is pretty pointless for the most part unless I call in sick for the whole weekend. I wonder if I could fake getting an appendectomy or something. Sigh. Although, at this point, I’m sure if I went to see a GP and explained to him my situation, I could easily get a medical letter saying I’m having a burn-out and need to take time off from the hotel. This may be something I need to consider.

I was pretty zombified all day today. I spent most of my day doing…well… nothing. Lie in bed, do some stuff online and watch some TV. Oh yea… totally forgot about the TV rule today… but it’s a day off… I think that’s shouldn’t count, right? :)

I had a massive 8 litres of juice today. Yes, that’s right… 8 LITRES! I have no idea what was going on… I just couldn’t satisfy this really intense hunger I had. I seem to remember David saying this was one of the signs that one is ready to end the JF… but with 20 more days to go… meh! I’ll just drink more juice. In retrospect, I probably should just have had more green juice. Ooops!

Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.25L celery/spinach/dandelion greens/cilantro+E3live+kelp+spirulina+H salt
1.5L Apple/kiwi
5.25L watermelon juice
3tbsp bee pollen+agave
10 Parasite pills

Today I did:

Skin brushing
Acupeds (target: colon)
2L Cat’s claw enema
Zapper (all day)

The good news is, I had some peace and quiet all day. Maybe Sunday’s stunt really got the message through! One could only hope.

I really need to start doing yoga and rebounding again. I have no idea why, but I have really been slacking off in that department lately. Also, I need to be doing daily enemas while doing this parasite thing. I was flipping through a magazine and I found this picture of a human face with different colours. It highlighted each area of the face and pointed to which organ it is linked. According to this, the tip of the nose is linked to the large intestine. This is interesting because since I started juice feasting, I have had a red patch in that spot. It’s not quite psoriasis but it could be I guess… in its early stages? I don’t know. But I guess more enemas couldn’t do any harm. I’m also going to target the large intestine through the acupeds. I really want to get rid of that patch on my nose!

Anyway... that's about it for now...


- Ben


Carrie Cegelis said...

8 juices! that's heroic, ben.
i see five are from a watermelon. did you get that much from one melon?
congratulations on the duration of the feast. i was just thinking today how long ago it seems like i was juicing, and here you are, juicy as ever, if not more! so, way to go ben. what's the exciting news, i wonder???
xx c

Michelle said...

Oh come on! What are you trying to do to me? You little tease! I can't wait for tomorrow!

I can't believe you managed 8 quarts. I was so proud of myself for having 4. Ha ha.

You are doing so good. You deserve some down time. Enjoy it when you get it.Only 20 more days til...PRUNES!!!


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Wow. You are close. Love today's pic!
Congratulations on 8! I can't even imagine that. Like Michelle, I do good to get 4.
Pixy Lisa

Penni said...

Only 20 more days?! Holy schmoly, by now it's like only 18 more days, right? It's going to fly by and I am in amazement at your 8 quarts of are a real drinker! I wish you didn't have to work that hotel job either. It is interrupting your personal time. Hopefully you'll figure out what to do about it. I'll be checking back to learn of your exciting post!

MiandO said...


Keep your eyes on the prize kid!

I have also been mostly craving the sweeter, fruity juices and feeling a little burnt out on the greens.
But, for sure it makes me more hungry drinking the sweet juices because my blood sugar gets tweaked. So that could be why you felt so hungry yesterday too...OR it could be because you haven't eaten for 70 plus days! haha

Don't be too hard on yourself, there is ALWAYS more one could do for oneself! It's a never ending process of self-love.....


RawLeah said...

WOW I can't believe you are on day 71 already! That's fantastic. Sorry for all the long work hours you've bee having. I'll keep my fingers crossed for that lucky break.