Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 77 - Another lazy day

The kitchen is a mess and I really should be doing laundry but Sundays are the closest thing to a day off as I get right now so I say: “why do today what can be put off until tomorrow?”. Besides, Sunday is TV day so I need to maximize the amount of time I can watch TV. LOL. I had so much stuff loaded onto my TIVO… I think I spent most of the day under my duvet…veging out on the couch. I think we all need those ‘do nothing’ days. One more weekend, Ben…. One more weekend…

I talked to my friend Marissa today on MSN. She’s one of the only people I still talk to from my Art School days. Marissa freakin’ gives me a self esteem boost every time we talk. I told her of my plans to study at the Living Light culinary school and also do the health educator program at Hippocrates. She was really encouraging! Marissa is coming over to my place two weekends from now to help me prepare for the raw-cooking class I’m teaching. I need a ‘live audience’ to practice on to make sure I can teach everything I want to do in 1.5hours. Hehehe :) This should be fun! Love you Marissa!

Today I had:

1.25L celery/kale/dandelion/cilantro
1.5L kiwi/apple
1.5L pineapple/blood orange
750ml grapefruit/orange
Today I also did:Vegging out! Come on… that’s gotta count for something right? I know I know… really should start doing yoga again. Argh!

Previous night’s sleep …uhh day:
8:30am to 1:30pm (much better than the 0 sleep I used to get on Sundays)
TV day! Hurray! Finally caught up on idol! :)

Oh… good news… I’m not a juicy monster afterall. David and Katrina assured me that my body knows best and there’s no such thing as ‘too much juice’ on the juice feast. Good to know!

Lots of love everyone!

- Ben


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Hey Ben
I tried that blood orange/grape/blueberry juice and man, that is amazing. I can't wait to try it with the strawberrys too. Thanks for listing your juices so I can get some ideas. It really helps me cause I'm developmentally disabled in the kitchen sometimes!
Pixy Lis
PS. Can I come over and be your recipe guinea pig too?

Lisa said...

I just had a look at the Living Light Culinary School website - wow that'd be great eh! Glad you're having a blob day - niiiiiiiice :-) I slept through my alarm this morning (sound familiar?) so juiced and ran, leaving a disaster in the kitchen. Having just cleaned that mess up and juiced again, now I have to run out the door to massage clinicals so I'm leaving behind the second mess of the day! ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!Where's the maid when I need her????

MiandO said...

Hey sweet Ben,

I am so excited for your future! I definitely encourage you to follow your heart and your new found passions for raw living foods and healing. I just went to a lecture given by the Ann Wigmore crew from Puerto Rico which was really interesting. I know they heal thousands of people which is great, but they are not big on the whole juicing thing. I just sat in the corner sipping my juice with my shades and big brimmed hat on! haha They were saying how raw foodist tend to juice a lot and actually not get nearly the amount of fiber one needs in a day. They also talked about how raw foodist get way to much fat into their diets which interferes with absorption of minerals and vit and slows down cognitive function. I agree with that point. It is so easy to down three avocados in a day and several handfuls of nuts, and while yes it is good fat it can be too much of a good thing. Anyway food for thought, not for your mouth....yet!
Big hugs,