Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 75 - Parade of food

If any of you are confused by what's gone on with my blog over the last three days, I apologize. It's been a tumultuous stretch and I've just now had the time and will to update it. I've backdated each entry for blogging accuracy.

Today was actually a lot of fun... especially when I woke up to find out my headache from hell was gone!

Today was my manager's last day before leaving on maternity-leave. We had organized a little get-together at a central location... an all-you-can-eat American-style buffet. I went and made it clear to the waitress that I was fasting and would only get a tea or something. I sat there with my chamomile tea as 30 fellow coworkers engaged in an endless parade of food. I don't know if there's anything more sickening than all-you-can-eat buffets to be quite honest. The really weird food pairings, the nauseating mixture of smells... seeing people stuff 3 to 5 plates of food down their throats. It's all just very nauseating. Actually... that's how I felt by the end. Nauseated. To the point where I really was feeling sick... by that time, it was time to leave... thankfully. First thing I did when I got to work; run for my juice! I felt MUCH better after. Though, I still had wheatgrass burps from the shot I had right before lunch at a local juice bar. I really hate wheatgrass. I think I'll just take it up the butt from now on! LOL

I feel positive about my work situation. Things do have a way of working out in the end.... I'm not being demoted which is good (as opposed to the former options in which I would have gotten term with benefits with a demotion). I'm keeping my same rate of pay (which I can renegotiate come April 21rst) and I've quit the hotel so I'll just have more 'me time'... which is especially good for the summer.

I think it's time to bring out the bike!! :) It's been so nice out lately that I think it's time to start biking to work again. I just have to figure out a way to transport 5L of juice to work everyday. I think I'll need to invest in a good pannier. This will also be useful for groceries at the farmer's market during the summer! :) I can't wait! :)


Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1L watermelon juice
1.25L celery/spinach/cilantro/dandelion greens+E3live+kelp+Hsalt
1.5L Pineapple/blood orange/blackberry
50ml wheatgrass
1.25L watermelon juice
1.25L watermelon juice
500ml grapefruit juice
1.5L blood orange/red globe grape/strawberry
1.25L celery/collard greens/cilantro/parsley+E3live
1Tbsp bee pollen+agave
10 Parasite pills

Whoa... I hit a new record today without knowing it. 9.5 Litres! How is this possible? Should I be concerned? LOL! Hanlie mentioned that other juice feasters are experiencing this increase in juice too... I haven't really noticed? Is it a planetary thing or is it just a stage in the juice feast we all reach at some point?

Today I also did:

Not much... got home and napped... for got to skin brush again.
Zapper (all day)

Prev night's sleep: 10PM to 6AM. Was nice to get a good 8 hours sleep and get rid of that massive headache.

Schlaf gut!

- Ben


Linda in the Raw said...

Daaaaang! 9 litres! You've got me beat, the most I've ever had was 8!!!

So glad you are done with the hotel, now you can get back into some normal sleep patterns, I don't know how you did it!!

Hanlie said...

I'm glad you are better!

And yay for the job situation. If I learnt something these last few months it's that if one door closes, invariably another will open, or the same one will just disintegrate... I EXPECT things to work out. And that makes a huge difference.

9 liters! Holy cow! You're a juice monster!

Lisa said...

9L's!!!! You're a machine!!!!!!!
Pleased to hear you're feeling better - stress headache? That sounded like a nasty one. I felt so sad for you the other night. Work and money stress sucks eh. What a system to have to deal with! Are you able to immigrate to the US easily being Canadian? I'm thinking Hawaii lol!
Hey and the smorgisboard pigout sounded hilarious!
PS You're getting so close to the end of your JF! I'm really excited for you and can't wait to see how the transition goes - no to mention the before and after photos! Hehe
Take it easy out there
Lisa x

Linda in the Raw said...


Yes, you should definitly come to Raw Spirit Fest! Banana Man and I will be camping, you can shack up with us! It's going to be so amazing! If you can't make it, at least you have Ottawa, I would love to go to that too!


Michelle said...

Aren't those buffets disgusting? When you're in there and you look around at the people eating there so many of them look unhealthy, half-dead and unhappy. And your description of the eating that goes on is right on. Eeew. Gross! Thanks for the laugh yet again!