Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 54 - Good things!

Yep! As Martha would say, you can't have too much of a good thing. looks like Martha likes to juice feast too... No Martha! Tequila isn't allowed on the juice feast!

Anyhow, today was just one of those days where everything went right (except the massive snowstorm that is approaching, yet again!). The buses were on time this morning. I managed to get to work on time for the first time this week!

I got to work and my boss called me from this training thing she's on to tell me she talked to the director and they're going to bring me in as a term. I'm through an agency right now which means the agency takes a huge cut of my paycheck each week... My contract was also supposed to end at the end of March. This way, I'll be officially employed by the government with benefits, paid vacation and sick days and all that stuff! Term basically means, while I'm not permanent, I have a job for minimum of a year (maybe 2)... these things always get renewed and after 3 years they HAVE to make you permanent. So this is good news. The only bad news is in order to do this, they have to demote me from Marketing Officer to Admin support. Bleeuurrgh! It's still the same amount of money though... a wee bit more, maybe! I won't be quitting the hotel just yet, but this is very good news!

I called my mom to tell her the good news and we ended up having a really great conversation about eating habits. My mom has been trying to improve her lifestyle and I told her to cut down on her 'diet coke' (read, crack!). I explained to her in detail last week how the high acid content is ruining her bones. She's down to 1 can/day which is great considering she used to drink 3 to 6 a day! She's also eliminated cheese, pastries, chips and ice cream from her diet. She's cut down dramatically on coffee and is drinking TONS of water. I made a deal with her that once I'm done juice feasting I'm going to teach her how to make salads. My mom has NEVER had spinach in her life... I need to introduce her to kale, spinach, legumes... I shit you not! My mom doesn't know how to cook. If it doesn't come in a box or in a can, she doesn't know what to do with it. It's time for some 'healthy cooking classes with Ben'.

My sister also sent me a text message while at work saying that her elbow really hurts and that she's going to go vegan and on a detox diet that she read about. I need to get more info out of her but WOW! I never thought I would see the day my sister would decide to also go vegan! I immediately told her to start with the 1L of water+lemon+msm to help her elbow (she thinks she has tennis elbow). I'm picking her up some MSM tomorrow and some acupeds too. I'm also giving her my old breville juicer.

Also on the subject of converting people to the green goodness, a coworker of mine came by to see me yesterday asking me for weightloss advice. He's been drinking greens+ for a while now and I told him he needs FRESH veggies! So I gave him links to green smoothie recipes including Sarma's cilantro shake (which I suggested he use but swap cilantro for kale seeing as it's so nutrient dense). This morning he came in with EXACTLY that in a bottle! I was so proud! He even added some greens+ to it! I told him the next step is to swap that greens+ for some E3live! :)

We got to go home early today!!! Tons of good things, I'm telling you! The buses were so in sync I got home in record time! While walking from one bus stop to another, this random woman who was crossing the street with me smiled at me and told me how much she loved my hair style! It was SO nice to receive a comment like that from a pure stranger! WOW!

Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.25L celery/black kale/alfalfa sprouts+E3live+kelp+Himalayan salt
1.25L green apple/kiwi
500 ml ginger tea
1.25L grapefruit/blood orange/carrot
750ml coconut water+E3live
1.25L apple/spinach+Himalayan salt
1tbsp bee pollen+agave
1tbsp honey/royal jelly mix
That's 5.75 lites of juice baby!

Today I also did:

Skin brushing
Parasite Zapper (all day!)
No time for exercise... just a nap and then straight to my second job!

Now... if I manage to get home tomorrow morning after the snowstorm, you can bet I'm spending all day in bed under my electric blanket. :) I'm pooped!

Hugs to everyone! :)

- Ben


Hanlie said...

Wow, you had a great day!

Congratulations on the job news! I'm very pleased for you.

As for people starting to follow in your footsteps, that is amazing! I love hearing stories like that...

Have a great weekend, Ben!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you had a well deserved day of ease. Good for you! I love it.

Let's see some pictures of that new hairstyle Juicy Ben! Come on, we want to see too. :o)

Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!


Poppy said...

Another one creating ripples in the world! Congratulations on the changes in your family. That is wonderful! Good to read you as always. Love, Poppy x

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Such great news on the home front, and at work. I'm glad your mom is coming around. Family are usually the hardest ones to crack. Great going to lead by example.
Congrats on the new job! I was a freelancer for a long time, so I know how good something stable can feel.
Rock on!

Lisa said...

Hi Ben - Great to read that your Ma has cut down on the diet coke - phew! Sounds like she's beginning her own re-evolution - YeeHaa!
Co-incidentally ... my own mothership phoned this morning and told me she's juicing apples and silverbeet daily now and that it's doing wonders for her. She's had ongoing digestive problems that are exacerbated by her habit of eating processed starches (especially cheap white bread). Awesome progress eh.
Walking the talk leads the way.

PS: And glad to hear that your job situation has stabalized.
Lotsa love
Lisa xxx

RAW FOOD R&R: Rations & Rational said...

Ben, The gov. peeps are the lucky ones to have you work for them! Way to go creating your desired opportunity man.
Mmmm, I miss the snowystorms in NYC. City is so lovely drenched in the joyful quiet. No work snow days rock. Enjoy.
Your mum is a tough nut to crack ya, but we all know how strong you are and that recognition from her is wicked good news :-)
Ciao no chow