Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 74 - Headache from hell

I don't know if it's psychosomatic but I had the worst headache today. It started the minute I walked into work. To start with, I didn't want to be there. I totally got fucked over yesterday with this whole term job thing. Arghh! This headache was pounding into my temples. Everyone kept offering me aspirin. Are you nuts? Aspirin on a juice feast is like offering heroin to the Buddha! Sigh. It finally dawned on me (2 hours later) to apply pressure to the LV3 pressure points to try and get rid of this headache. That would work... but the headache would come roaring back. I wonder if it had anything to do with the intestinal drawing formula I took last night? Is this detox? Is it a cold? What is this!?

I totally would have gone home... but there was no way in hell that was going to happen. I had a ton of regional bulletins to finish and I had to draft a marketing strategy for a conference we're holding at the end of April. I basically worked through lunch because 1) I wasn't hungry... actually by that point, I still had not had any juice... my body didn't wanna hear it (so I just had water) and 2) I didn't know when I'd be done the damn stuff.

By 1PM or so I decided I wanted juice... but I didn't want my morning green juice at all. I wanted my happy pineapple juice. I felt a bit better after that. I had some watermelon juice shortly after. I ended up finishing all the work I had to do early so I decided "I worked through lunch, I'm leaving an hour early". As I was leaving I ran into a coworker I barely ever see; she asked me how my test went and I told her I never did get to do the test...she told me they were holding another test for the position I was offered (later retracted). I ran to my manager's office to tell her this... she ran to my director's office. The door was shut, phone calls were made. They fought tooth and nail for me but there was no way I would be allowed to write that test. Don't you hate red tape and bureaucracy? Anyway, in the end... I was assured that I have a job for the next 8 months nonetheless.

I went to do 'mega groceries' (and sorry to say Lisa, but I got some more organic grapes on sale!) and bought tons of yummy food.

I got home and decided I was sick of working at the hotel. So I sent my letter of resignation! LOL. I think this will do me good. The body wasn't designed to work 7 days a week... or change its body-clock once/week for that matter. My last day is April 6th. It will be nice to have weekends again. :) I mean, my first two weekends off will be consumed by that class I'm teaching... but afterwards... I want lots of "stay in bed ALL WEEKEND" weekends. I think I need to make up for lost sleep.

Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.5L Pineapple/orange/blackberry
2.75L Watermelon juice
1.25L Black kale/parsley+E3live+kelp+Hsalt
2Tbsp bee pollen+agave
10 Parasite pills

Today I also did:

(Frig! I forgot to skin brush today!)
Zapper all day
Acupeds (target:colon)
(That spot on my nose is going away, finally!)

That's all!

- Ben


Hanlie said...

Hang in there, my friend! Things will look up again! How about an enema for that headache?

Michelle said...

Good for you Ben! You are right. All work and no play makes Ben a sad boy. Glad to see you are making positive changes.
