Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 72 - Exciting news!

I'm sure most of you have been eagerly awaiting this 'amazing news' I'm supposed to give you today. Well... too bad, I'm making you simmer some more for a bit. :) I'm so cruel.

I woke up today and ... I don't know how I managed to turn off 3 alarms during my sleep but I did. I was FUCKING LATE.... sorry... Did I mention this blog is PG-13? Anyway. I was freaking out because I really couldn't afford to be late this week (I was late a few times lately and it created a really embarrassing work situation... I wasn't going to let that happen again). It was 6:40 and I needed to be out the door by 8:30. Knowing me, I need that last half hour to shower, get pretty and get out the door. This gave me 1 hour and 15 minutes to make my juice. This normally takes me 2 to 2.5 hours. I was freaking out... but I quickly put a plan of action in place and well... I ended up bringing over 6 Litres of juice to work that day! hahahaha!

Today I had:

(msm water skipped due to time pressures)
1.25L celery/red chard/cilantro/parsley/dandelion greens+E3live+kelp+Hsalt
1.5L pineapple/blackberry/blood orange/grapefruit (don't add grapefruit to this... not as good!)
3.75L watermelon juice
1.5L pineapple/blackberry/orange
500ml water+E3live
2Tbsp bee pollen+agave
10 Parasite pills

That made for 8 litres (or 8.5 if you count the water+E3live) of juice in a day.... What is up with me? I'm like the COOKIE MONSTER.... but with juice... the JUICY MONSTER!!!

Today I also did:

Acupeds (target: colon)
2L Cat's Claw enema
15 min rebounder
Oil wrap (chest)

Prev night's sleep: 11PM to 6:40am
Tonight's sleep: 11:30PM to 5:30am (sorry I realize I messed up somewhere on the blog)
TV Rule: abided by...

The oil wrap consists of massaging a mixture of olive and peanut oil into the psoriasis lesions and then wrapping yourself in cling wrap and going to bed. This basically helps loosen the dead skin cells that psoriasis is known for. I figured if I did this, it would help the skin heal faster because it wouldn't also have to deal with the accumulation of dead cells on the epidermis. Make sure you use old sheets if you do this; you will ruin them.

Okay now FINALLY I will tell you about the Amazing News! :)

Ahem... to get straight to the point.... I'm going to be teaching a raw-vegan 'cooking' class at the end of April!!!! I'm SO EXCITED !!!! Basically, this guy has monthly workshops at his house on various topics (everything from bike maintenance to web design to vegan baking). A friend of mine who did the vegan baking workshop had heard from the organizer that he wanted to do a workshop on raw foods... so she immediately thought of me. I'm so glad she did because this is the kind of thing I wish I could do for a living (and plan to... soon... I hope!). So basically people show up, donate 5$ each and that covers the cost of materials/produce and there's a wee bit left over for me too! :) Exciting. I'm trying to plan a menu already... one with 'Ben original' recipes.... although this is hard when I'm not allowed to cook. This thing on at the end April. This gives me exactly 1 weekend (my salad weekend), one week and one Saturday to perfect those recipes and taste them! I have the menu planned out in my head. The cake is something COMPLETELY original... I'm keeping that a secret... but I'll need to do a lot of experimenting in the kitchen to make sure it's flawless. I'll be using co-workers as guinea pigs I think.

...Whoooo hoooo! :)

- Ben


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

That's so great about the class!
The 3 alarms are funny. I actually have 4 LOL!
Pitiful, I know.
Pixy Lisa

loulou said...

hey, the raw food class is going to be awesome! if that's your next career move then this is a fantastic foot in the door. go you!

Hanlie said...

That is awesome! I just know you'll be great at it! Get someone to video it and post a clip...

RawLeah said...

How exciting for you and the Raw Foods class!!! ::::jumping up and down:::: And if you need any tried and true recipes... let me know. I have a computer full of them ;-)

RawLeah said...

Oh and I forgot to mention the 3 alarms. So my hubby does that EVERY morning! Sets alarm for 4:30am... and I beat him every 15 minutes ( cuz he hits snooze ) for the next 2 hours! Truth.

Lisa said...

Hey there cookie monster (or is that kookie monster? lol)
Congrats on your first RAW gig! Yah! Can you see your future opening up before your eyes?
I had a sneak peak at the link you added to a JFforum for 'raw samosa' - OMG! I am so getting a dehyrator! I can't wait to begin trying all of the mind-blowing recipes that are out there.
PS Looking forward to buying your recipe book! Autographed of course ;-P