Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 61 - Tag! I'm it!

Carrie has recently tagged me and I took my sweet ass time to do this but it's time I reveal 5 previously unrevealed facts about myself. Fun fun. This is harder than I thought because, I talk about myself a lot and a lot of the kooky things I wanted to bring up, I've brought up before.

1) My favorite day of the year is the annual Zombie walk. Yep, not Christmas or Halloween or any of those other holidays. The Zombie walk is an annual event where hundreds of Ottawans dress up as zombies and gather in one spot (a local cemetery) and march all the way to Parliament. It has no point whatsoever but it's so much fun. We totally disrupt traffic and scare pedestrians and try to eat their brains! Here are some photos from last year's zombie walk:

Total blast! :)

2) I did an apprenticeship in Berlin one summer to learn about performance art. I stayed by the Ku'dam (Kurfurstendamm... but we cool people just called it the Ku'dam) which is Berlin's shopping district. Despite having been a flight attendant and having seen many cities, Berlin remains my favorite city of all times. There's a certain spot that I'm fond of... where I used to go every morning for a latte. I'd sit on the patio and overlook this half demolished cathedral (Kaiser Whilhem memorial) that was left standing to remind people of the horrors of war. It's a very intense and powerful scene. I'd give anything to be there right now... without the latte and Czech cigarettes, of course!

3) I have quite the collection of drunken pictures of myself. When I was a flight attendant, it was understood that drinking was part of the job. I mean, we had rules to abide by (as per transport canada, one cannot drink 8 hours prior to a flight, our airline increased this rule to 12 hours). We all took this rule very seriously but until that 12 hour mark hit, all hell could break loose. We had some fun times.... but yea... my poor liver. Here is a picture from Christmas 2006 which I spent in London with a really fun crew. And yes, these are the infamous superman underwear. I'm not sure how this happened..........

4) When I was 19 (and 20, I spent my birthday there) I ran off to Costa Rica. I had quite the abusive boyfriend at the time and I needed a break. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I had never been on a plane, never crossed a border. I learned to be very self-reliant and I gained a lot more confidence in myself. I spent some time in San Jose, but most of my time in Costa Rica was spent in a very very remote village by the Pacific ocean. I had my own little house with my own boogie board. The 5km of beach was ALWAYS deserted. I lived in the middle of a jungle with monkeys, crocodiles, pelicans, lizards.... it was awesome. I felt like tarzan on most days. The jungle was so lush, sometimes I'd half expect a T-rex to come running out of the foliage! Costa Rica has a very special place in my heart, and I'll admit, when I start feeling overwhelmed.... I often think of hopping on the first available flight there. This thought also seems to pop up when we have crazy snowstorms! hehee. Here are some pictures from my Costa Rican experience:

Oh yea... if you ever climb a 10,000' high volcano.... make sure to bring a sweater... even if you are in a tropical climate, it gets cold at that altitude!

5) Now... this may sound really weird. I want to make it clear that I'm not talking about an aversion or a snobbish disdain here... but a full blown phobia. I have a phobia of.... plastic dishes. Even as I write this I get a bit worked up. I know it sounds super silly, but they freak me out. Specifically the plastic dishes that look like they're made of glass. I've been known to pick up a nice salad bowl thinking it was made of glass only to find out (from its weight) that it's made of plastic.... I basically FREAK OUT and run out of the store. I CAN'T STAND THOSE THINGS. They freak me out so much!!!

Alright. That's my five things. I have to find people to tag now. I'm tagging Kristi, Jessica and Mish.

Now, back to juice feasting! :)

Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.25L celery/kale/cilantro+E3live+kelp+H salt
1.25L grape/blood orange/strawberry (yum!)
1.5L pineapple/blood orange/blueberry
1.5L watermelon juice
1.25L spinach/green apple+H salt+E3live
1tbsp bee pollen+agave
1tbsp coconut oil+honey
2tbsp honey
Forgot about the hemp oil (Freud would say I unconsciously chose to 'forget')

Today I did:

Skin brushing
2L Cat's claw enema

Sleep: 10PM to 5:30am
TV: Still good on the Sunday only TV rule

Uhhh.... I did the enema RIGHT before leaving to go work at the hotel last night and that was a BAD idea. I almost missed the bus cause I kept running back to the loo to evacuate more water. Eeep! When I got onto the bus I kept getting cramping and I was thinking to myself "shit this was a bad idea". No accidents though! LOL. Won't be doing that again!

.... I need to pee... so I'll end this post now! :)

- Ben


Hanlie said...

That was very interesting! My phobia is snakes, which is somewhat more understandable than plastic dishes...

Thanks for sharing.

I'm now doing daily enemas too! You inspired me!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog... quite entertaining to read!!!
I can quite understand the phobia about plastics...
I do not really have phobia about it - but I do dislike them strongly...
So, I gather, you do not do picnics? Or you bring glass / SS (stainless steel) dishes with you?

loulou said...

hey ben, wow, the costa rica experience sounds awesome. isn't it funny how out of dire situations (ie: the abusive relationship) come life-changing, beautiful events and a love for life again? also, the zombie walk is totally surreal. i would love to join in one year :D

Unknown said...

Those pictures of the Zombie Walk were making my husband and I laugh so hard! We were trying to think of places we could zombie walk in our area....

You are a superstar Ben, I love ya :)

Lisa said...

You had me cracking up this morning about the zombie walk and the plastic bowl phobia - yeah! those suckers can look pretty real eh!
Kia ora for sharing (thank you).
May you have many more memorable moments !

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Hey Ben
Big huge congrats on reaching day 60 and all the healing you've accomplished. That zombie walk is really cool, and I hate plastic dishes too, but they don't freak me out.

Carrie Cegelis said...

See Ben,
I knew there were more goodies inside that sweet head of yours!
I'm going to be very sad when you get to 92 days - or hoping very much that you are now hooked on blogging!
p.s. let me know when you are ready to run away to costa rica for say, a week or two. raw adventure!

Penni said...

You make me laugh so hard! You've done a lot of living in your twenty+ years, bro! I love reading about all of your experiences. I would so be down with that Zombie Walk....that is awesome.