Monday, March 31, 2008

Day 78 - I'm a newborn again!

Today, I'm supposed to be '0 years old' according to the retracing rule. I checked and well... my belly button is still there. Whoo hoo! I was so tired when I woke up this morning. I honestly am looking forward to not having to spend so much time in the kitchen in the morning. I'm also looking forward to making meals ahead of time (Sunday meal extravaganzas!!).

I found out there's a stupid office pot-luck going on on the 17th. I'll be in my 'watery veggies and fruit' stage. I hate pot-lucks to begin with... because they're not the most vegan-friendly thing. But now... it's just downright inconvenient. Oh... we also have to go curling. Curling!?! Who came up with this idea!? I don't know anyone who actually goes curling.... just in case anyone out there thinks it's something all Canadians do. ;) That should be an interesting week.

Hanlie gave me an award today; the 'nice matters' award. I was at work when I found out so I told my coworker Eileen "I got a "nice matters award" to which she replied "What?!! You're not nice!?!?". LOL!!! I'm a bit of a sarcastic bitch most of the time. I think there's something humorous about being cynical sometimes. :P Anyway... I just thought that was funny. I'll try to remember that 'nice matters'. Thanks Hanlie! :)

Actually... on that note, a lady asked me if I had change for a $10 last friday at the bus stop. I guess she didn't have change for the bus and the bus was within sight. I didn't have the change but I just gave her the 2$ she was missing. She was so thankful. I figured, I can't count the times I wish someone would have done that for me. I don't understand why our buses here don't work like in the UK where you can actually pay with notes and get change! Anyway, I was on the bus today and that lady found me (totally forgot about it lol)... she gave me some bus tickets today to repay me for the 2$. I thought it was so cute that she remembered! :) Awww! :)

Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.25L celery/collard greens/parsley
3L watermelon juice
1.5L pineapple/blackberry
1.5L grapefruit juice

Today I also did:

Skin brushing
Zapper (all day)

Well that's all from this end kiddos :)

- Ben


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

That pic with no belly button is kinda weirding me out. LOL. My dog has a belly button.
Pixy Lisa

mădălina said...


You have inspired me to start my own detox. I've been feeling quite crappy lately, so thank you for giving me that kick.


Look forward to seeing the before and after on April 15.

Hanlie said...

Well in Juice Feasting land you're nice! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Anonymous said...

ben, do you thnk you'll be strictly raw vegan now? or go back to some cooked?

Lovingraw said...

happy born again day! I am hot on your tail with day 72. : )