Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 67 - The Exorcist

I had the most intense nightmare last night. I had this really intense dream: I was in a tube station in the UK and this woman approached me to help her child who was supposedly having a medical emergency. I asked the mother if the child was diabetic, when he last ate, etc etc (surprisingly enough, I actually remembered all my first aid training in my dream... SAMPLE:

S: Signs and symptoms
A: Allergies
M: Medications
P: Past medical history
L: Last ate
E: Events leading up to illness

We were all about acronyms in the flight attendant world.)

Okay back to the dream... So I go to this woman's house and the child is FREAKY. He knows my name and starts doing freaky stuff. The child is totally possessed. It was a really freaky dream. I ended up being able to exorcist the daemon out of the child. I don't remember much of the details but it was a scary dream! :) It's quite possible the 'exorcism' is a representation of 'expelling foul matter'. It's also possible that recent events at work that have left me feeling very indignant are the cause of this dream; the exorcism representing my will to 'urgently expel or repress the thoughts about that recent event'. Either way, it was kinda neat! I wish I could have remembered more details, I think it would have made a great movie! I often get brilliant ideas through my dreams... recently I got a recipe via a dream that I can't wait to try.

Today I had:

1.25L water+msm+lemon
1.25L celery/spinach/cilantro
1.5L pineapple/orange/blackberry
1.5L watermelon juice
1.25L carrot/orange/grapefruit
1.5L pomegranate/red grapes/blood orange/strawberry
6 Parasite pills
1 Intestinal movement pill
1 Tbsp bee pollen+agave
1 Tbsp honey

Today I also did:

Skin Brushing
(umm...that's it)

Previous night's sleep: 10PM to 5:30AM
TV rule: abided by
Tonight's sleep: 9PM to 8:30AM
(seeing I as write my blog posts the day AFTER ... it just makes sense that I report that night's sleep...easier to remember)

Did you notice that yummy juice? After that recent post I did where I joked about getting a butler, I thought it would be a great idea to treat myself to an amazing juice. Luckily organic red globe grapes were on sale this week... and organic strawberries were actually really affordable. Whoo hoo! Super tasty. I even had it in a martini glass! It was my way of celebrating the fact that I get 2 days off this week due to the long weekend. Sweet!

Oh... I also discovered peaches can't be juiced. Major bummer!

- Ben


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Did you try putting the peaches in the vitamix then straining? I couldn't get tomatoes to juice in the green star, but when I did them in the vitamix, it worked.

Lisa said...

Whaahoooo! Full Moon Dreaming!! :-o
Maybe it's those evil little worm kritters being expelled, or maybe the message is that you have the ability to help others too...?
Happy easter!

loulou said...

hey ben, you're doing so well. it astonishes me how you manage to keep going with two jobs and still have all that energy to juice.
i juice peaches and nectarines all the time. yummy with pomegranate and strawberries, with a little orange or something to stop it being too thick. i use a centrifugal juicer and it works fine.
also about the nightmare. which sounds like an overexcited dream, really. i've been wondering about this. i'm having freaky dreams and i don't usually remember my dreams. people from my past are cropping up a LOT, like i'm detoxing them along with everything else. i count the day relationships alot (the concept you go back physically 120 days for every day of juicefeasting) so maybe you could think back to something that happened to you 67x120 days ago (22 years ago?) you never know what you might have uncovered!
keep it juicy!

Hanlie said...

Interesting dream! I also think you should retrace that...

I juice yellow cling peaches all the time in my Breville Juice Extractor.

Oh, I wish pomegranates were commercially available here!

RawLeah said...

Have you tried keeping a pen and notebook paper next to where you sleep? My hubby does that.... he has some wacky ones too. I jealous you have organic grapes... haven't seen any here yet.